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Product Description/产品介绍:

  • With this mugwort you can enjoy the aromatic herbal bath with benefits listed but not limited: Soothing aching body, calming the spirit and improving sleep, easing arthritic pain, joints pain; alleviating itching, etc.    
  • 使用这种艾蒿,您可以享受芳香草药浴,其好处列举但不限于:舒缓酸痛的身体,平息精神,改善睡眠,减轻关节炎疼痛,关节痛;减轻瘙痒等。

Foot Bath—Mugwort/ 艾草足浴

    • Ingredients/成分 : Artemisia Argyi Leaf Extract/艾(Artemisia Argyi)叶提取物, Cinnamomum Cassia stick powder/肉挂(Cinnamomum Cassia)枝粉,  Sophora Flavescens Root Powder/苦参(Sophora Flavescens)根粉,Mineral Salt/矿物盐


    • Volume/容量 : 16 gram/16 公克
  • 4 x Foot Bath—Mugwort/ 艾草足浴

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