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Product Description/产品介绍:

  • Freshen up your skin with Agarwood Shower Gel, made from formulation that contains oil and glycerin to soften, smoothen and enhance suppleness. Feel the balance and glow when taking shower. The scent from shower gel helps to relaxes mind and improves sleep. Fresh and long lasting aromatic effect to enhance positive energy and vitality.                                                
  • 沉香沐浴露由含有油和甘油的配方制成,可软化,抚平和增强柔软度,从而使您的皮肤清爽。沐浴露的香气可帮助放松身心并改善睡眠。清新持久的芳香效果可增强正能量和活力。

Agarwood Shower Gel—Strawberry/沉香沐浴露草莓

    • Ingredients/成分 :Agarwood/沉香


    • Volume/容量 : 75ml/75毫升
  • 1 X Agarwood Shower Gel 75gram—Strawberry/沉香沐浴露草莓75公克

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